How to Get Scratches Out of Bamboo Floors [Guide]



Bamboo floors are durable and aesthetic. Still, it can sustain scratches over time, making it look less appealing. Aside from that, the scratches give room for dirt to get stuck, making it more difficult to maintain. So for this post, we will discuss a step-by-step guide on how to get scratches out of bamboo floors. This way, you can regain the good-as-new look of your bamboo floors without paying flooring experts for the job.

What causes scratches on bamboo floors?

If you just discovered the scratches on your bamboo floor, you might be wondering where it came from. To give you an idea, the following are some of the common culprits to these unsightly damages:

*Your pet’s claws

If you have a dog or a cat at home, don’t be surprised if you’ll go home to a heavily scratched floor. The scratches, in this case, can be deep and widespread. This can happen, especially if you don’t clip your pet’s nails regularly. 

*Your high heels

Do you wear stilettos often? If so, it might be the cause of the scratches. Bamboo floor scratches could be due to accumulated wear and tear from blunt objects, your heels, for example. You can use the steps below to fix this problem.


This is quite common across wooden floors. Furniture is one of the leading suspects behind floor scratches. This is why you should utilize carpets or foot covers to prevent damages on your bamboo floors. Also, avoid pulling furniture if you want to move it. Lift it instead.


If your kids keep on entering the house without taking their shoes off, the sand from outside can scrape the bamboo floor. Worse, they also bring other nasty things on their soles.

How to get scratches out of bamboo floors

The things you need

*Paper towels*Fine grit sandpaper*Putty knife*Wood putty or filler*Masking tape*Polyurethane



Once you have the above materials ready, it’s time to jump into the steps

Step 1: Clean the surface

The first thing you have to do is to clean the surface of the bamboo floor. Use damp paper towels to remove any accumulated dust and dirt that would mix with the filler.

After that, wipe the surface with a clean microfiber cloth to remove the moisture.

Step 2: Sand it

Once the floor is clean, start sanding the scratches and surrounding areas you want to treat. Take note that you’re not supposed to sand plank edges as it will cause damage to other unaffected parts of the floor.

To be safe, use a strip of masking tape to cover these areas. It’s also a good way to isolate the scratches once you’re applying the wood putty into it.

After sanding, vacuum the area and make sure that no dust is left. Give it one more wipe before proceeding to the next step. 

Step 3: Use a wood filler

After sanding, apply the wood filler into the scratches. Using the putty knife, scrape off the excess putty or wood filler away. Also, tap the surface to compress the putty into the scratches. Use a soft cloth to buff the surface lightly to press the putty further into the scratches.

Once the putty is leveled on the floor, let it dry for several hours. After that, get your fine-grit sandpaper and sand the surface again. This time, it’s supposed to remove any excess putty that’s protruding from the floor.

The second sanding session will also make the scratches appear invisible, especially if you chose a putty with the same color as the bamboo floor.

Step 4: Seal the spot

After the wood filler has dried well, you should seal it using a polyurethane sealant. This is a tough solution that will protect the area from further scratches. Actually, it’s best to have your bamboo floors sealed with polyurethane to protect it from premature scratches.

Apply a thin first layer and let it dry overnight. The next day, re-apply a second and thicker layer to seal the scratches on the bamboo floor.

Step 5: Let it dry

Let the last polyurethane coat dry for another day before removing the masking tape and allowing household members to step on it.

Additional tips

The steps above are simple ways to fix bamboo floor scratches. If this is your first time dealing with such a problem, the following tips will help make the outcome even better:

*Choose the right filler shade

If you consider the look of your bamboo floor paramount, make sure that you use a wood filler or putty with the color closest to your floor’s shade. This way, the repairs will be less obvious and the scratches will look invisible.

*Subtle scratches can be treated differently

If the scratches on your bamboo floor are subtle and shallow, the simple fix is a wood stain stick. Make sure that you choose the same shade as your floor for on-the-go fixing.

*Protect unscratched areas first

Before you apply the wood filler into the scratches, make sure that the surrounding bamboo floor is protected from spills. You can use masking tape or paper towels for this purpose. 

*Keep kids and pets away

While treating the scratches on the floor, make sure that your kids and pets don’t have access to the area. You probably know where curiosity will lead to this kind of situation. Aside from that, pets and kids may disturb the putty or sealant. When that happens, you’d have to restart the procedure.

*Use carpets and rugs

Carpets and rugs aren’t just additional aesthetic for your home. It also prevents scratches on your bamboo floors. Place thin carpets under heavy chairs and other pieces of furniture.

Final words

Knowing how to get scratches out of bamboo floors is simple with our step-by-step guide above. A few materials and a little patience will go a long way here. Just make sure that you choose the right putty color to make the repairs as subtle as possible.



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