5 Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifier Bags to Hang in Your Home



Bamboo charcoal is known for its odor-absorbing properties. It’s also a natural and sustainable option in neutralizing malodors anywhere in your home. Aside from using cleaners and other chemicals, you can hang bamboo charcoal air purifier bags around to absorb excess moisture and smell.

Are you in a rush? Here are the top 5 bamboo charcoal air purifier bags that we recommend.

Charcoal Purifying Bag
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OLIVIA & AIDEN Activated
Bamboo Charcoal Bag
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Breathe Green Bamboo
Charcoal Purifying Bag
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KoolerThings Bamboo Charcoal
Purifying Bags
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Marsheepy Activated Bamboo
Charcoal Bag
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What are bamboo charcoal bags?

Bamboo charcoal bags are natural deodorizers and moisture-absorbing pouches. It’s filled with activated bamboo powder and contained inside a special material. Such a container has minuscule holes where the particulates will enter and get trapped. This is non-toxic and safe to use, especially on homes with allergies and sensitivities.

These products are like magnetic sponges that adsorbs tiny particles. Aside from that, it’s also a great choice in neutralizing various odors.

It’s also effective in removing allergens in the air, but it’s not an absolute solution if your home is mired with excessive pollutants.

Benefits of using bamboo charcoal air purifier bags

A bamboo charcoal air purifier bag is an excellent addition to your home. It’s a great alternative to abrasive chemicals or a complementary solution to remove various malodors.

The following are some of the benefits of having this product in your home:


Activated bamboo charcoal is safe and non-toxic. In fact, there are food-grade versions of this substance that can be ingested as a stomach aid. This is why bamboo charcoal purifying bags are one of the safest options if your household has sensitivities.

*Odorless and low-key

If you hate deodorizers that have an overwhelming smell, you can opt for bamboo charcoal bags instead. It’s completely odorless and works low key in your home. It neutralizes odors without any of the artificial scents.

The good thing about these bags is it has an aesthetic touch that will not look like a decoration.

*Ideal for a variety of uses

The best thing about charcoal purifying bags is you can use it for a variety of applications. It’s a great air purifier for your living room and bathroom, as well as an agent to remove smell in shoes. Whenever there’s a bad smell in a certain part of your home, you can hang these bags. It’s a versatile choice that’s highly sustainable and organic.

*Very affordable

Bamboo charcoal bags are very affordable, and you can get half a dozen for a small price. You can place one in every part of your home. As long as the bags are dry, it will keep adsorbing pollutants and excessive moisture in the air.

*Safe for pets and kids

If you have small kids and pets, the bamboo charcoal air purifier bags are the best choices. It’s non-toxic, and it will not cause irritations if your child touches or plays with it. However, you should prevent your pet from chewing and ripping the bags to pieces.

Buying Guide for Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifier

For you to find the best bamboo charcoal air purifier bag, you must consider the following points:

-Check the purity of the charcoal

We always recommend checking the quality of charcoal inside the bag. As much as possible, look for activated bamboo charcoal as it’s more effective in adsorbing particles. Always look for reviews to guarantee the efficacy of the charcoal bags.

-Consider the size of each bag

Charcoal bags are available in a variety of sizes, usually in a square or rectangular form. The larger the bag is, the more charcoal present inside. This also translates to a higher adsorption rate, perfect for larger areas.

Nevertheless, smaller ones are also ideal if you’re placing it inside your closet or shoes. Always consider where you’re going to put the bag.

-Opt for multi-piece set

When it comes to charcoal purifier bags, you may want to consider buying a set instead of getting a single piece. Still, it depends on how much you need these products.

With a set, you can place one in multiple areas of your home. You will also save more money when buying these things in sets.

-Check the bag material

Usually, charcoal bags are wrapped in a burlap-like material. It holds the charcoal intact inside while allowing the moisture and pollutants to get inside. Make sure that it’s durable and can hold up for years.

-Consider one with grommets

We always like charcoal bags with grommets so we can hang each one easily. It’s just a small detail that adds value to your purchase. This way, you can place the bags on a hook or tie a string on it quickly.

-Check the price

Lastly, consider the price of the charcoal bags you’re buying. Sure, you don’t want to spend a lot of these items, but a few more dollars will surely add value to your purchase. Just the right balance of price and value should do.

Where to place the bags

Bamboo charcoal air purifier bags can be placed almost anywhere. Just make sure that you keep it in an area where it will not be doused with water.

The following are some of the applications of these charcoal bags:

Living room– to remove general malodors; you can place two or more
Bathroom – to adsorb bad odors, not just masking it. Just make sure that the bags won’t get soaked.
Shoes – to remove any smell buildup after wearing your kicks
Closet – to keep your clothes clean and fresh-smelling
Drawers – to keep moisture away and prevent potential damages to your belongings
Car – to filter pollutants and trapped smell

5 Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifier


OLIVIA & AIDEN Activated Bamboo Charcoal Bag

If you’re looking for a bamboo charcoal air purifier bag set, we recommend the OLIVIA & AIDEN Charcoal Bags. It comes in a set of five with 200 grams of activated bamboo for each one. That means you’re going to get one kilogram of odor and moisture-absorbing agent for your home.

You can place this on your car, bathroom, living room, litter boxes, and more as a natural deodorizer. Like the MOSO NATURAL, this, too, can last for two years of use.

The best thing that we love about these OLIVIA & AIDEN charcoal bags is its satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with the product, you can contact the manufacturer to receive a replacement or a full refund.

For a very small amount, you can get multiple bags to use in your home.


  • ✔️Set of 5
  • ✔️Can last for 2 years
  • ✔️Replacement or refund guarantee


  • ❌Appeals too much to pets

Breathe Green Bamboo Charcoal Purifying Bag

Another bamboo charcoal bag that we recommend is the Breathe Green Bamboo Bags. It only has one ingredient, which is pure activated bamboo charcoal. It will purify the air and adsorb various odors in the installation area.

This is a very versatile deodorizer that you can put in any area you can imagine: bathroom, car, living room, basement, and even your gym bag. It’s like a sponge that will absorb any pollutants that come its way. What we love the most about this is that it could also remove fecal and urine smell.

With proper care, each of these 4-set pieces can last for up to two years. Like the previous bags, it has a grommet so you can hang it easily.

If you have any issues with the product, you are entitled to a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can get a full refund or replacement.


  • ✔️30-day money-back guarantee
  • ✔️Metal hole/grommet for easy hanging
  • ✔️Long-lasting


  • ❌Takes a while to show results

KoolerThings Bamboo Charcoal Purifying Bags

If you want your bamboo charcoal bags in different shapes and sizes, we recommend the KoolerThings Bamboo Charcoal Purifying Bags. It’s composed of one 500-gram bag, two 200-gram bags, and two 75-gram bags. You can place the largest on in your living room then the smaller ones in your car, closet, shoes, and bag.

These are high-quality bamboo charcoal bags enclosed inside a polybag to prevent it from pre-adsorbing particles during delivery. It’s an eco-friendly way to get rid of various malodors inside and outside your home.

Most of all, it removes allergens in the air, and it’s safe for your pets. Just make sure that you don’t give it as a toy.


  • ✔️Comes in a variety of sizes
  • ✔️Pet and child-safe
  • ✔️Versatile choice

Marsheepy Activated Bamboo Charcoal Bag

Last but not the least, we recommend the Marsheepy Activated Bamboo Charcoal Bags. This is a set of 12, with each bag containing around 75 grams of activated bamboo charcoal. It’s smaller and elongated, which is perfect to be used on shoes, cars, and other smaller areas.

It’s an innovative deodorizer since it uses a flexible fabric that maximizes air exchange. The manufacturer said that it’s 10 times more effective than typical activated charcoal bags in the market.

Like most bamboo charcoal bags, it can last for two years. However, the Marsheepy set should be placed under the sun for up to 5 hours each month to reactivate the charcoal.

Another good thing about these charcoal bags is that it’s covered with a satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the bags, you can ask for a replacement or refund. They will process it within 24 hours!


  • ✔️Replacement/refund guarantee
  • ✔️Set of 12
  • ✔️Special fabric container


  • ❌You’d need to use multiple bags on larger areas

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does each charcoal bag last?

A: Most of the air purifying charcoal bags you can find in the market can be used for up to two years. Still, it depends on the amount of pollutants and moisture it absorbs on daily use. Some bags will last longer if your home isn’t mired with irritants.

Q: How can I reactivate a charcoal purifying bag?

A: Once a month, bring the bags outdoors and let it soak under the sun for at least an hour. This will help dry the moisture that the charcoal absorbed. After that, you can place the bags back to their place.

Q: What is the difference between activated charcoal and bamboo charcoal?

A: Both of these charcoal types can adsorb substances. However, activated bamboo charcoal can hold the substances it adsorbed longer and better. Also, activated charcoal is pure and free of any toxic chemicals found on typical bamboo charcoal.

Q: Does bamboo charcoal has side effects?

A: If used as an air purifier, there’s no side effect to these products. It’s quite rare for someone to have allergies with activated bamboo charcoal. Besides, the charcoal is contained inside a sealed bag so it won’t leak.

Q: How can I dispose of a bamboo charcoal bag once it reaches its end life?

A: If the bamboo charcoal bags have in place for two years or if it’s no longer adsorbing like before, you can cut the bag open and recycle the contents on the soil. The bamboo charcoal is an excellent fertilizer since it adsorbs impurities.

Final words

Bamboo charcoal air purifier bags are an innovative and unique way to fight malodors and allergens in your home. It’s all-natural and safe for everyone. Just make sure that you get the right size for maximum odor and moisture control.

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