How To Restore Bamboo Furniture in 3 Easy Steps



Are you looking for an easy way to restore bamboo furniture? It may have seen better days and doesn’t have quite the same beauty or luster that it once did. Well, don’t despair! You can restore your beloved furniture to its original glory with just a few easy steps.

This blog post will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to make your furniture look as good as new. So read on to learn how to restore bamboo furniture.

Understanding Bamboo Furniture

Before moving on to the restoration process, it’s important to understand what makes up bamboo furniture. Bamboo is considered a grass, not a tree, and it grows in tropical climates like those found in Southeast Asia.

Furniture made with bamboo is quickly becoming a popular choice among homeowners and interior designers alike. It’s easy to see why. It is incredibly strong and durable, and its natural beauty makes it an attractive option for any room in your home.

Bamboo typically comes in either a light or dark finish, giving you plenty of options when designing your space. Additionally, bamboo furniture often features unique joinery techniques such as mortise-and-tenon construction, adding strength and stability to each piece. 

The Benefits of Bamboo Furniture 

Now that you understand what makes up bamboo furniture let’s look at why you should choose it for your home.


As mentioned above, bamboo is an extremely strong, durable material. It can withstand years of wear and tear without showing any signs of damage. Bamboo is 30% harder than oak wood, so it can withstand heavy use without breaking down and requiring expensive repairs or replacements.

Additionally, homeowners appreciate the strength of bamboo as it resists water, too. Making it perfect for humid areas like kitchens or bathrooms where other materials like wood may weaken over time due to moisture levels.


Despite its durability, bamboo furniture is surprisingly affordable compared to other furniture types. This makes it an ideal option for those on a budget who still want quality pieces that will last for years. Even better, plenty of options are available in different price ranges, so you don’t have to break the bank if you don’t want to. 

Moreover, bamboo also offers homeowners longevity, with a lifespan of around 10-15 years. This makes it a great affordable alternative compared to traditional hardwood furniture. Plus, it requires little maintenance, meaning you can enjoy your bamboo furniture for many years without the extra concerns for the refinishing or repairs.


Unlike other materials, such as wood or plastic, that require significant amounts of energy and resources, bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials. It’s fast-growing and requires very little water or fertilizer during cultivation, making it an environmentally friendly option for furniture production.

Moreover, bamboo availability creates different problems than forests face, such as deforestation and species extinction, making it an ideal eco-friendly choice. Not only will using bamboo furniture help contribute to improved greenhouse gas emissions. And since it doesn’t require any chemical treatments during manufacturing, you can rest assured that your new piece won’t pollute the environment or your home.  


Bamboo is an incredibly diverse material that can be crafted into various shapes and styles. It makes it suitable for just about any room in the house. Moreover, it can be adapted with lacquers, stains, or finishes to create just about any color or texture you’d like.

Plus, bamboo is more affordable than many other furniture types while providing similar stability, durability levels and versatile look. And because it’s lightweight yet durable enough for outdoor and indoor use – you can easily move it around from room to room without much effort.  


Bamboo furniture adds sophistication, elegance, and style to any room in your home with its classic character and intricate patterns. Bamboo is aesthetically pleasing and is praised for its sustainability, as it produces 35% more oxygen than other plants. It grows quickly and uses up very little energy resources.

Building furniture out of this material means that you will not only be investing in a stylish piece but one that uniquely cares for the environment as well.

Common Problems With Bamboo Furniture 

Aside from the advantages mentioned above, bamboo furniture has a few drawbacks.

👉Wood Splitting and Cracking 

Even though bamboo furniture is known for its strength and durability, the wood can still experience issues with splitting and cracking if not properly taken care of. This usually occurs when there isn’t enough moisture in the air. Or when the furniture is exposed to extreme temperatures. So it’s important to consider how and where bamboo furniture is stored.

👉Pest Infestations 

Since bamboo is a natural material, it, unfortunately, provides wood-boring insects with food and shelter, and they can easily burrow in, causing extensive damage. This kind of problem is difficult to get rid of so it’s important to check with a reputable supplier before investing in bamboo furniture.


Bamboo furniture can discolor over time due to the elements and the natural aging process. This is especially true if the furniture is placed in direct sunlight or near heat sources such as radiators or fireplaces. Indeed, direct exposure to natural light may cause even the highest quality bamboo furniture to turn yellow over time.

👉Dents and Scratches 

Even the toughest bamboo can become marred with dents and scratches over time. So ensure that your furniture is given proper care and maintenance. This includes avoiding placing heavy items directly on top of it or banging them along its edges. Additionally, wipe up spills and dust regularly to prevent staining or warping in the material. Store them correctly before moving so they are not bumped or jostled around during transit.

👉Water Damage 

Under certain circumstances, prolonged exposure to water can cause the bamboo fibers to swell and expand, weakening their structural integrity. So it’s important to keep your furniture away from water sources and avoid cleaning with too much moisture.

👉Mold and Mildew Growth 

Bamboo furniture is susceptible to mold and mildew growth if not properly cared for. These organisms can grow quickly without the right preventative measures, causing extensive damage over time that can sometimes be irreparable. So thoroughly clean and dry the furniture regularly to prevent any growth.

Pre-Restoration Preparation

Suppose any of the issues above have damaged your bamboo furniture. In that case, taking the right precautions to restore it to its former glory is important. Here’s what you need to know about pre-restoration preparation. 


The first step in any restoration project is cleaning the furniture piece. To do this:

  • Use a mild detergent (like dish soap) mixed with warm soapy water and clean cloths or sponges.
  • Start by wiping down the entire surface of the piece.
  • Then use a damp cloth to scrub dirt and debris from crevices or grooves.
  • Make sure to use a soft-bristled brush on more intricate details like carvings or molding to avoid damaging them.

Once you’ve finished cleaning and all surfaces are dry completely, it’s time to move on to sanding. 


Sanding is essential for preparing furniture for refinishing because it removes the old finish that may be present. Also, the light scratches and imperfections in the wood itself. Depending on your preference, you can use either hand-held fine-grit sandpaper or an electric sander for this task.

Start with coarse grit paper (around 80-100) and work up through finer grits. Then, wait until the surface feels smooth beneath your fingertip. This may require several passes with each type of paper. When sanding is complete, use a vacuum cleaner to dust particles before moving on to repair work. 

🔴Repairing Damage 

Once your furniture has been cleaned and sanded down. Inspect it closely for any large damages. Such as chips in veneer or deep scratches in wood grain. If necessary, repair these using wood putty that matches the existing color of the piece. Just make sure it’s completely dry before continuing with your project.

Smaller defects can usually be touched using stain pens or markers that match your finish color. Just ensure they are labeled “for wood” before purchasing them so they don’t damage your piece instead of fixing it.

How to Restore Bamboo Furniture

Once you’ve completed the necessary preparations, it’s time to begin restoring your furniture.

✔️Applying Stain or Paint 

It all starts with thoroughly cleaning the surface, followed by a fresh stain coating. Choose from a variety of colors available in any home improvement store, lighter hues, like brown or beige. These are best suited to paint bamboo furniture and turn it into beautiful accent pieces. While still preserving the natural aesthetics of the bamboo.

When it comes time to stain, apply an even coat and ensure not to overlap strokes since this will result in uneven patches. To achieve the best results, use a high-grade brush or roller. Using low-grade applicators will produce poorer-quality finishes.

✔️Varnish for Protection 

Varnish can be used as an additional layer of protection against scratches and wear over time. Apply several thin coats of varnish over the stained surface and wait until each coat has dried before applying another. This could take anywhere between 8–12 hours, depending on your home’s temperature and humidity levels.

Once all coats are on and allowed ample time to dry, buff them with a soft cloth for a smooth finish that will protect your bamboo furniture for years.

✔️Oil for a Fresh Look

Aside from stain and varnish, oil can give your bamboo furniture a new look. Coconut, wood, walnut, or linseed oil works best. It will provide additional protection from water damage or grease stains.

  • Start by cleaning off any dust from the previous sanding with a damp cloth.
  • Then wipe down the entire surface with mineral spirits (make sure you use gloves).
  • Let it dry overnight before using some high-quality oil.
  • Apply it in circular motions using an applicator pad or soft cloth until there is an even sheen across all surfaces.
  • Allow it at least 8–12 hours of drying time before buffing off any excess with another soft cloth for maximum shine.

Common Mistakes During Bamboo Restoration

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while restoring bamboo furniture:

1.Choosing the Wrong Finish

Different finishes can give different results. The wrong finish will not only fail to protect your furniture. But it can also cause discoloration and fading. If using an oil-based finish, use one containing natural ingredients. Since synthetic finishes might strip away the original color of your bamboo furniture.

Similarly, water-based finishes may not protect your furniture when exposed to moisture or temperature changes. For best results in ensuring your bamboo looks as good as new, consult with a professional experienced in these restorations before beginning any project.

2. Not Cleaning Properly Before Applying Finish 

Restoration efforts are usually fruitless without taking the extra step to wipe down. And scrub dirt and grime particles from pieces. Any extra particles will prevent proper adhesion of a top coating. It will leave finished products uneven in color or texture, not to mention susceptible to corrosion.

In order to ensure that projects turn out successful. Take extra time to scour the surfaces for dust, oils, and other contaminants from cutting or machining processes. This additional effort ensures that whatever finish is applied stands up to wear and tear over time.

3.Applying Too Much Finish

Since bamboo is composed of a variety of strands and fibers. It needs to be sealed and treated, but care must be taken not to add too much polyurethane. Or pass the fine steel wool over the surface too many times. Too much polyurethane will cause chipping, peeling, and cracking. Since, in essence, it’s putting an excessively thick layer of plastic over sensitive organic material that can’t withstand heavy pressure.

Additionally, treating with overly many strokes from the fine steel wool could weaken the bamboo fibers. It induces dried-out spots or other unforeseen structural damage. To ensure you are treating the bamboo correctly. It’s essential to get familiar with the different finishes available for outdoor use and carefully read instructions provided by experts on their proper application.

4.Not Allowing Enough Time Between Coats

Suppose the same affected area is being worked on consecutively in a short period. The result may be an uneven surface that needs more durability. People often think they can rush this process and get quicker results. But this line of thinking can ultimately lead to more work later on down the line. It’s best to allow at least 24 hours between coats. Be patient while you restore your bamboo furniture to its original luster.

5. Using Harsh Chemicals

People often assume that harsh chemicals such as bleach or ammonia will be more effective against dirt and grime. But this can weaken the bamboo while doing little to clean it. Not only can these products damage the fibers of the material. But they may also leave a harsher stain if not completely removed from the surface.

Utilizing mild dishwashing soap in warm water is typically enough for most cleaning needs and does not risk long-term damage to the bamboo.

6. Cleaning Too Aggressively

The key to a successful restoration job is avoiding common mistakes, such as aggressively cleaning the bamboo. Excessive scrubbing and hard tools can damage the porous surface, detracting from the value of your piece. Instead, mild rubbing with a damp cloth should be sufficient. Consider professional guidance and further research to preserve your beloved heirloom or work of art properly.

These common mistakes can easily be avoided by taking the time to do things right the first time.

Maintaining Restored Bamboo Furniture: Tips and Tricks

Dust Regularly With a Soft, Dry Cloth

Over time, dirt and dust can damage the finish of the material and display any previously concealed imperfections. Additionally, routine cleaning and furniture polish can help to keep the pieces looking new. While regular oiling will prevent cracking which might occur due to a lack of moisture in the air.

Keep Away From Direct Sunlight

If possible, keep bamboo furniture away from direct sunlight as the UV rays can cause discoloration and fading of the finish. Additionally, exposing pieces to too much heat or cold could also damage them over time. To help protect your furniture, you should keep it out of the elements and away from extreme temperatures.

Store Properly

When not in use, store bamboo pieces properly to ensure they stay in the best condition possible. Ensure all drawers, shelves, and doors are closed securely and tightly before storing or moving them. Also, keep bamboo furniture away from damp, humid, or wet environments, which could cause it to warp and develop mildew.

Moreover, when moving or transporting furniture, taking the necessary precautions is important. Wrap them in soft cloths or blankets and secure the pieces with tape or twine. It will help prevent scratches and other damage caused by mishandling during transport.

❕Inspect Regularly

Inspecting your bamboo furniture for signs of wear and tear is essential for proper maintenance. Pay close attention to the wood finish, hardware, and joints to ensure everything is working. This can help you catch any potential problems quickly before they become more serious. Additionally, if you notice any unusual wear or discoloration, it’s important to address the issue immediately.

DIY vs. Professional Bamboo Restoration

It can be difficult to weigh the pros and cons of DIY vs. professional restoration and decide which option suits your situation. Let’s look at some factors to consider when making this critical decision. 


The cost of restoring something can vary greatly depending on what you are restoring and how much work it needs. Of course, there are materials and tools that you will need to purchase, but if you already have some basic supplies on hand, then these costs may be minimal.

The cost of hiring a professional restorer also varies depending on the size and scope of the project. However, it typically costs more than doing it yourself due to the knowledge and expertise required for the job. 


If time is not an issue for you and you don’t mind taking your time with the restoration process, then DIY could work out fine for you. On the other hand, if you want your project done quickly and efficiently with as little fuss as possible, hiring a professional is probably your best bet.

Professionals can get jobs done in half or even a quarter of the time; it would take someone without experience or specialized knowledge to do them. 

Knowledge & Expertise  

When deciding between DIY vs. professional restoration projects, consider whether or not you have enough knowledge and expertise to complete the job correctly. If not—or even if so—it’s probably best to hire an experienced pro who knows exactly what they do when restoring valuable items like classic cars or antique furniture.

Professionals also have access to specialized tools that may make all the difference in returning things to pristine condition. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you clean bamboo with vinegar? 

Yes, you can clean bamboo with vinegar. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to clean dirt and grime from your bamboo furniture. For tougher stains, you can scrub with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse the area with clean water when you’re finished.

Can you use baking soda on bamboo? 

Yes, baking soda is a gentle abrasive used to clean bamboo furniture. Apply a paste with baking soda and water to the stain, and scrub with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse the area with clean water when you’re finished.

Can you use wood polish on bamboo? 

No, you should not use wood polish on bamboo furniture. Wood polish can leave a sticky residue that attracts dirt and dust. It can also make your furniture more slippery, which increases the risk of accidents. Use beeswax polish instead if you want to add shine to your bamboo furniture. 

Why is bamboo furniture cheap? 

Bamboo furniture is relatively cheap because bamboo is an abundant resource that grows quickly. It’s also easy to harvest and process into lumber. However, don’t let the low price tag fool you—bamboo furniture is just as durable as other types of wood furniture. 

What is the disadvantage of bamboo? 

The main disadvantage of bamboo is that it’s less strong than other types of wood. It’s also not as resistant to fire and termites as some other types of wood. However, bamboo furniture can last for many years if it’s properly cared for. 

Final Words

Bamboo furniture is a beautiful and eco-friendly choice for your home or business. With proper care, be it a bamboo chair, or tables it will last for many years. Keep these tips in mind on how to restore bamboo furniture, and you’ll be able to keep it looking great for years to come.



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