Comparing Bamboo and Organic Cotton: Which is the Better?



Do you want to know which is better, bamboo or cotton? Bamboo and organic cotton have gained popularity as sustainable and environmentally beneficial alternatives to common materials. Each bamboo and organic cotton has garnered attention for its eco-friendly qualities and special advantages. However, choosing a superior requires a detailed analysis of several variables, including their manufacturing methods, robustness, comfort, and total environmental effect.

Consumers may make educated choices that are in line with their beliefs and help create a more sustainable future by being aware of the essential characteristics of each material. You noticed that more bamboo products are being made than ever before if you’ve been keeping up with the most recent sustainable trends. Bamboo may be turned into textiles in addition to being used as a replacement for wood and plastic. Today, we’ll discuss the subject of whether fabric—cotton or bamboo—is better and more environmentally friendly to use on a daily basis.

What is Bamboo?

Although bamboo is more environmentally friendly than synthetic materials like polyester, the production step often calls for significant quantities of additives like acid and hazardous chemicals. At first appearance, bamboo is a fantastic choice if you’re seeking a safe and ecologically responsible cloth. Bamboo is a grass that grows rapidly, uses little water, and enhances the condition of the soil. The advantages of bamboo have made it a popular target for greenwashing by businesses over the last several years.

The problem with bamboo stems from the method used to turn it from a plant into a cloth. Bamboo may be prepared in one of two ways: mechanically or chemically. The bamboo plant is crushed and may be combed out and spun to create a textile mechanically, much like hemp or linen. Unfortunately, the mechanical method is less popular since it requires more work, takes longer, and costs more money than chemically processed bamboo.

The bulk of bamboo textiles is processed chemically, which may have detrimental health effects on employees and serious environmental implications. If you want something as natural as possible, it may not be the ideal choice for your or your child’s skin.

What is Cotton?

Today, behind polyester, cotton is the second most popular material used in the fashion business. Cotton is a naturally occurring and renewable material generated from the cotton plant. However, non-organic cotton conventional has several detrimental effects on human health and the environment. Chemical run-off, pesticides, and insecticides are often byproducts of traditional cotton farming.

Chemicals may affect every step of the traditional cotton cultivation process. Fungicides and insecticides may be applied to cotton seeds, synthetic fertilizers can be applied to the soil and harm the environment, and pesticides can be sprayed on plants during growth. Heavy metals & sulfur are often byproducts of the dyeing and printing processes, and chlorine bleaching is frequently used to whiten the fabric. Synthetic surfactants are also frequently employed in the finishing steps. These substances may also be absorbed via the skin, resulting in rashes, allergies, & respiratory problems.

In the case of traditional cotton production, there is often minimal oversight of factory conditions and accountability. The standard cotton production method may negatively affect worker health, child labor may be present, and wages may not be enough to support employees. When it comes to the fashion business, most firms want to produce items as rapidly and inexpensively as possible, leading to labor abuse and terrible environmental effects.

Is Bamboo or Organic Cotton Better?

The decision between bamboo and organic cotton is influenced by a number of variables, including individual preference, environmental concerns, and intended use. Both bamboo and organic cotton have distinctive qualities of their own:


Bamboo is renowned for its quick growth, lack of need for fertilizer or pesticides, and ability to be harvested without causing plant death. In comparison to cotton, it also has a high output per acre. Without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, organic cotton is cultivated, improving the health of the land & water.

Use of Water and Land

When cultivated, bamboo often uses less water than cotton. There is also less need for the more agricultural area since bamboo may grow well on marginal ground that is unsuitable for other crops.

Comfort and Softness

Bamboo fabric is often commended for its comfort, smoothness, and ability to wick away moisture. It feels opulent and is renowned for being breathable. Although it may not have bamboo’s moisture-wicking qualities, organic cotton is silky and comfortable.


A variety of textile goods, including apparel, towels, beds, and more, may be made from bamboo. Like bamboo, organic cotton is extensively employed in the textile sector for various purposes.

Chemicals and Processing

Typically, chemicals are used to process bamboo cloth, such as when making bamboo rayon or bamboo viscose. The usage of harsh chemicals during this procedure might have an impact on the environment. Contrarily, organic cotton is processed in a way that is more controlled and kind to the environment.

Taking into account all of these aspects, bamboo & organic cotton both offer advantages. Bamboo may have an advantage if sustainability & environmental impact are your top priorities because of its quick growth and minimal water needs. However, organic cotton can be a better option if you want a fabric with a softer feel and are especially seeking certified organic items. In order to make an educated choice, it’s crucial to do your homework on the particular qualities and certifications of the items you’re contemplating.

Environmental Comparison of Bamboo and Cotton

Two widely utilized natural fibers with different environmental properties are bamboo and cotton. Here is a comparison of their varied environmental impacts.


Cotton is a common fabric and a wardrobe essential, but organic cotton is more environmentally friendly than non-organic cotton. So we’ll discuss organic cotton in this piece. The plant is stronger because organic cotton doesn’t need fertilizer or pesticides to flourish. Typically, these chemicals would weaken the fibers’ strength, resulting in a brittle material that is readily damaged. Clothing made of organic cotton will last longer without tearing or developing holes since toxic chemicals aren’t used in its production. Cotton requires no specific washing techniques, making it a simple fabric to maintain.

In order to be spun into yarn, cotton must pass through a machine that separates the fibers from the seeds and other impurities. Then, this yarn may be knitted or woven into a cloth. The final product is then bleached, dyed, printed, etc., before being ready for the next client.


Recently, it was found that bamboo may also be used as cloth. Since bamboo is a regenerative plant, it doesn’t need annual replanting to produce. It can grow in a wide range of conditions and takes just a third of the water that cotton does. People who have grown bamboo in their yards often remark about how quickly it spreads.

Bamboo is an extremely durable fabric since its fibers are thicker and stronger. These fibers need less dye to color since they are also extremely absorbent. It competes fiercely with Egyptian cotton since it is both soft and hypoallergenic.

Due to its outstanding breathability and rapid sweat absorption, bamboo is a great fabric for clothes. Because of its antibacterial qualities, it also prevents any unpleasant odors from developing. These organisms aid in lowering the amount of germs that flourish in garments.

How is Bamboo Made into Fabric?

Ultimately, mechanical and chemical processes may be used to turn bamboo into cloth. The bamboo stems are crushed by machinery, and a large mound of mushy bamboo is produced using natural enzymes that dissolve matter. The whole fibers will be separated from that pile and spun into yarn. Hemp, flax, and linen are also produced using this method. This exact procedure also produces a special cloth known as bamboo linen.

Bamboo may be processed chemically to create a fabric like rayon. Strong solvents such as NaOH (sodium hydroxide) boil the bamboo. Also, bleach will be used. This procedure could be better since its chemicals are known to cause health issues.

Benefits Of Cotton and Bamboo Fabric

Both organic cotton and bamboo cloth have advantages, and the decision between the two comes down to preferences, environmental considerations, and desired qualities. Here are a few advantages of each:

Benefits of Organic Cotton


Without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), organic cotton is farmed. It encourages environmentally friendly agricultural methods that put biodiversity and soil health first.

Softness and Breathability

Fabric made of organic cotton is renowned for being both soft and breathable, making it easy to wear and kind to the skin.


Clothing made of organic cotton lasts longer since cotton fibers are generally robust. They can survive several pieces of washing and normal use with appropriate maintenance.


Since organic cotton doesn’t include the harsh chemicals or synthetic materials that may be found in cotton that is cultivated conventionally, it is less likely to cause allergies or skin rashes.

Benefits of Bamboo Fabric


Bamboo is a plant that grows quickly and is very sustainable since it uses little water, fertilizer, or pesticides. Additionally, as it regenerates from its enormous root system after harvest, it doesn’t need to be replanted.

Silky and Soft texture

Bamboo cloth has a smooth, opulent texture that is often likened to cashmere or silk. The fabric feels silky and soft on the skin and has a good drape.

Comfortable and Breathable Material

Bamboo fabric offers exceptional moisture-wicking capabilities, swiftly absorbing and dissipating sweat to keep the body fresh and cool. Additionally, it breathes well and permits airflow.

Antimicrobial and Hypoallergenic

The natural antibacterial qualities of bamboo cloth prevent the development of germs and fungi. Its odor-resistance and attraction to those with sensitive skin or allergies are both a result of this property.

It’s crucial to remember that organic cotton and bamboo cloth have distinct environmental effects, and their sustainability might vary based on elements like growth techniques, processing procedures, and transportation. To guarantee that the goods fulfill certain sustainability requirements, it is advised to consider the certifications and standards linked to each fabric.

Disadvantages of Bamboo and Cotton

While both textiles offer many advantages, there are also some drawbacks. The cost stands out the most. Although cotton and bamboo are often more costly than each other, high-quality cotton fabric with an equivalent number of threads will cost around the same as bamboo apparel and bedding. Buying either bamboo or cotton is a wise investment since they both have a lengthy lifespan.

Another plant that requires more water and attention is cotton. It needs the appropriate conditions, including the right quantity of water, sunshine, and care, to flourish. It’s a finite resource. On the other hand, bamboo can grow in just about any place. And it expands so greatly that one may nearly think of it as infinite. When you purchase non-organic cotton, you expose yourself to several pesticides that might be hazardous to you. Chemically processed bamboo products toxic.

Reasons Why Bamboo is Better Than Cotton

For several reasons, bamboo is often seen as better than cotton as a textile. Here are some major reasons in favor of bamboo as a better material.

Bamboo Grows with 1/3 Less Water

Compared to cotton, bamboo grows with just 1/3 of the water needed for irrigation. Every day, water becomes a more scarce resource, and many farmers need more water to cultivate their crops adequately. Bamboo is traditionally a self-sufficient crop that utilizes water far more effectively than cotton and other trees and requires no irrigation.

Very Little Crop Losses

In contrast to certain non-organic cotton, which needs one-third of a pound of fertilizer per pound and uses 25% of all chemical pesticides used in American crops, bamboo has traditionally been cultivated without pesticides. Even while organic cotton has made enormous efforts to minimize its influence on the environment, the procedure is still far from ideal.

Unfortunately, organic cotton may suffer higher crop waste than bamboo since bamboo is inherently resistant to insects or infectious diseases. Still, organic cotton’s pest control methods are restricted to composted manures, inventive but time-consuming weeding procedures, trap crops, and helpful insects.

Bamboo is a Resource That Replenishing Itself

Rarely, if ever, does bamboo need replanting. The remarkable thing about bamboo is that it will grow on its own and that an acre of it will produce 10 times more than an acre of cotton. It might be laborious to harvest and replant cotton each year. Some bamboo species may grow up to 3 feet per day, can be completely harvested in 3–4 years, and can renew the crop independently.

More Stronger Than Cotton

Viscose made from bamboo is one of the most durable and reasonably priced materials for clothing, bedding, and general coziness. When properly cared for, bamboo outlasts cotton three times over in terms of maintaining form, strength, and durability, whether you’re talking about shirts, jeans, bed sheets, or towels. The care techniques are straightforward and effective and don’t call for a unique approach.

Additionally, bamboo materials need less cleaning than most cotton, significantly affecting a product’s life cycle. In addition, bamboo fibers are recognized to retain their vivid hues for a far longer period of time than cotton fibers do.

Soft than Cotton

Egyptian cotton is now a particularly sought-after cloth, making it also quite pricey. Bamboo-derived viscose has been likened to some of the most expensive materials, including silk and Egyptian cotton, but is significantly more affordable. This very soft fabric also has the benefit of being hypoallergenic, meaning anybody may wear it without experiencing any allergic responses or skin irritation. At the same time, cotton may not always be hypoallergenic.

Better-Smelling and Cleaner-Lasting Bamboo

The fact that bamboo, often known as “Bamboo Kun,” has antibacterial capabilities is one of its most astounding features. These organic antimicrobial bio-agents may help lessen the amount of germs on human skin, clothes, and other surfaces. I have questioned why bamboo floor mats are so common in nations where shoes are seldom worn indoors. It might be related to the fact that these antimicrobial qualities keep things smelling fresh all the time. The same is true for bamboo towels, bedding, and apparel.

Cariloha supplies bamboo apparel, bedding, and bathroom products that offer a great chance to feel bamboo’s advantages personally. The bamboo brand caters to those who value comfort and the environment and want to experience a fabric that is not only cool and pleasant to the touch but also healthy and environmentally friendly for humans and their bodies. It is the only company with a whole range of products made of bamboo and viscose mixes.

Bamboo is More Breathable and Absorbent Than Cotton

Even when we are not aware of it, there is moisture everywhere. Wearing a material that won’t rapidly absorb moisture may sometimes make our bodies and the air’s moisture production annoying, humiliating, or just plain unpleasant. Even the best organic cotton is only 40% as absorbent as bamboo, which wicks moisture from the skin considerably more quickly and helps you stay dry and comfortable. When manufactured into cloth, bamboo can absorb three times its weight in water, which implies that it can evaporate moisture more quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can bamboo take the place of cotton?

Although some will always prefer cotton, bamboo is generally more environmentally friendly and healthier for you. It is more suited for those with delicate skin, such as youngsters or older adults, because of its hypoallergenic properties and less need for pesticides and fertilizers. Bamboo might become our preferred fabric in the future if plantings are established properly, pandas’ habitat is not disturbed, and mechanized processing methods are used.

Cotton or bamboo, which is better for the skin?

Although some will always prefer cotton, bamboo is generally more environmentally friendly and healthier for you. It is more suited for those with delicate skin, such as youngsters or the elderly, because of its hypoallergenic properties and less need for fertilizers and pesticides.

Is bamboo cotton of high quality?

It is one of the greatest comfortable fabrics you will ever wear and is softer than silk. When ethically made, it is also wrinkle-resistant, anti-bacterial, & environmentally beneficial. You shouldn’t be surprised to find bamboo sprouting up all around.

Why choose bamboo over cotton?

Bamboo is very breathable, antimicrobial, and capable of absorbing much moisture. Bamboo is more breathable and absorbent than cotton. Environmentally friendly bamboo plants are used in their production, which leaves far less carbon impact.

Is bamboo more durable than cotton?

Although some claim that cotton is more breathable & bamboo is more durable, both bamboo and cotton are natural fabrics that are excellent at controlling body temperature and durability. Although bamboo is more breathable than cotton, it is less absorbent.

Final Words

Which fabric feels better to you? Is it cotton or bamboo? Both offer many fabric kinds, enabling you to test various iterations before choosing your favorite. Although both materials have a high price tag, they are durable. My study has led me to the conclusion that bamboo may be better than cotton. As a customer and user of cloth, I always search for the best goods. Just keep in mind that bamboo and cotton are both environmentally friendly materials. Between bamboo and cotton, I hope you can make the best decision.



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