Where to Use Floral Arrangements Using Bamboo Sticks



Floral arrangements are beautiful. They’re used just about anywhere and everywhere – in homes, in offices, in hotels and any other place of business. Flowers are gorgeous and can brighten up almost any space practically magically. The fact is, when you use the right flowers, you can evoke just about any feeling and any mood. White flowers can bring a ton of elegance to a room – on top of simply looking very peaceful, for example. And sure, floral arrangements are nice and all, but they do sometimes get old. Plus, they can really get quite expensive, especially when you use certain types of flowers! But hey, you can make floral arrangements using bamboo sticks. Yep – bamboo sticks!

The truth is, using bamboo sticks can bring something new to your standard old floral arrangement. They will be able to add in another element so that your arrangements won’t look boring or plain. You can even use the bamboo sticks on their own, in the case that you forget to buy flowers for the week. Or if you so choose, you may even decide to use artificial flowers so that you never have to fuss with your arrangement ever again!

But why exactly should you use bamboo sticks in your floral arrangements? How can these sticks improve your décor, and why should you add them in? Are they an affordable choice, and would it make sense for the environment?

If you’re wondering about all of those questions above, don’t worry, because we have all the answers right here for you. If you want to learn more about floral arrangements using bamboo sticks, read on below!

Why Should You Use Bamboo Sticks?

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You may think that bamboo is now only reserved for use with/on furniture and the building of structures. But the truth is, these days, this special type of wood is no longer strictly reserved for use in these specific purposes. The fact is, in contemporary use, bamboo is now often given many different jobs. For example, you can now use this type of wood as a decoration. It could be the main subject and showed off by itself, or made into something decorative. Or, it could be a part of a decorative piece. Regardless, this material offers many different benefits that make it stand out. Let’s take a look at some of them here.

Bamboo Sticks are Beautiful, Effortlessly

On its own, bamboo is already a beautiful statement piece. It doesn’t need a lot of work to become a decoration piece. A little bit of cleaning up and some carving perhaps, and you’ve got something you can use. Use bamboo sticks and you can immediately evoke a bit of a tropical feel at home, or in the office, or wherever else you may want to use this material. It doesn’t matter your skill level either. The fact is, you can make bamboo stick arrangements to create simple décor. Not only will your decoration piece be simple and beautiful, chances are you will also be able to have it be quite elegant.

Bamboo sticks are statement pieces, in a way. When used together with other pieces (in moderation), you’ll see just how beautiful you can make your space!

Eco-Friendly Sticks for Kicks

You’d be surprised to know that bamboo is incredibly eco-friendly. In fact, in a lot of places, bamboo is considered to be a weed. As in, an unwanted plant! The reason for this is because bamboo is basically known as the world’s fastest growing plant. And it is exactly for this reason that it is known as a renewable resource.

You see, after the bamboo is harvested, it grows back almost immediately. There is a very short time between bamboo maturity periods, and as a result the world will never ever have to worry about a shortage. And this is precisely why you should have floral arrangements using bamboo sticks!

Look for Organic

When you’re trying to get some bamboo sticks, make sure you look for organic. You see, organically grown sticks are grown and harvested with care. They are hand picked and selected for their beauty. And after the sticks go through the treatments to protect them from insects and from fungi, they then get sun bleached. Yep, they sit under the sun for a long time – before they get dried in a kiln.

Most organic sticks are beautifully grown, harvested, and cared for, from production all the way into your hands. Make sure that you buy from sellers and producers who work ethically!

Many Sizes

Another reason why we would suggest floral arrangements using bamboo sticks is the fact that these sticks come in a ton of different sizes. Long, short, thin, really wide in girth – no matter your needs, you’ll find a stick to fit. The best part is you can then make use of these sticks to fill out your flower arrangements. If you don’t have a lot of flowers to use, you can fill out the vase with bamboo sticks. Not only will you add an extra element of fun and elegance, you’ll also be adding volume to your arrangement too!

Kinds of Sticks … Bamboo Sticks

If we have somehow managed to convince you to do your floral arrangements using bamboo sticks, then great! We should also probably tell you then that there are a few different types of sticks you can use. Let’s talk about some of them:

  • Natural – The first type is the natural kind of stick. This type looks basically like what you would imagine bamboo to look like. It is your standard natural beige finish, though sometimes it can look yellow or even tan.
  • Natural Black – Another type is the bamboo sticks which come from a specific type of bamboo species. These come in some vibrant shades or tones of brown, instead of your typical kind of bamboo.

You may also choose to use whole bamboo sticks, although you could also choose to cut them in half down the middle. Floral arrangements using bamboo sticks (whole or half) will be enhanced by the bamboo’s beauty.

How to Use Bamboo Sticks

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Although we are here to tell you about floral arrangements using bamboo sticks, there are other things we do want you to know. And that is the fact that you can use bamboo in a lot of different applications. It’s not just for floral arrangements. You can also use these sticks for table settings, as seat or table numbers, for décor in your garden, or in your home. They can also be used as decoration mounted to the wall,  or even in some outdoor spaces you have. Heck, you could probably even just grow the bamboo in your yard and call it a day, too!

The fact is, bamboo is incredibly versatile. And the ideas we have mentioned above are only some of the things that you can do with this wondrous renewable resource. You can use it for a ton of different looks and purposes.

Now that we have talked about bamboo sticks, it’s time for us to finally talk about the floral arrangements! We have a bunch of different ideas that you can take for your own use. We do hope that some of these ideas appeal to you and interest you. And so, without further ado, here we go!

As Home or Office Décor

Naturally, our first recommendation for floral arrangements using bamboo sticks is for you to use them as decoration. You can use them at home, but you can also use them in the office to boot. If put together carefully with the bamboo sticks, your floral arrangement can jump out and look very attractive. You may use it as a centerpiece, or as a welcoming piece in your receiving area. On top of that, you can even place it in your kitchen or in your dining room, to brighten up the space. Your office can even use these floral arrangements to help improve the energy in the space. Relieve your stress by looking at the vase whenever you’re feeling low!

Floral arrangements using bamboo sticks can look many different ways. They can look kind of tropical, if you use bright and vividly colored flowers. Choose neutral and light flowers and you might have a very rustic looking arrangement. In a tall vase with white flowers with big leaves you will have an incredibly elegant looking piece.

If you’d rather steer clear of flowers because you’ll have to replace them often, you can use just the bamboo sticks. Stick the bamboo sticks in a statement vase and you can have a piece that stands out in a room. It won’t look as great, but hey, it won’t be too bad either. You could also opt to use artificial flowers to make it all work without needing to replace the flowers frequently.

If the idea of using artificial flowers doesn’t quite appeal to you either, you might want to consider a lucky bamboo plant instead. Lucky bamboo is a whole different story all on its own, and if you want to find out more about it just click the link above. In that blog post, we’ve got tons of info on lucky bamboo, including where you can put them in your home for feng shui purposes!


Where else would you use a floral arrangement (or tons of multiple ones) other than at a wedding? Almost every single wedding event these days will be decked out in flowers. From the bride’s bouquet, to the event’s décor, to the reception venue’s table centerpieces and more… Indeed, floral arrangement after floral arrangement can be found. But if you want to differentiate yourself and have a bit of a different wedding event, you can certainly try using bamboo sticks. Barring your bouquet, these sticks can pretty much be used everywhere else.

When you use some bamboo sticks to fill out your vases, you can save quite a bit of money. This is because you won’t be needing to use as many flowers – and so you can pretty much save the money from the filler flowers like baby’s breath and the like. As an added bonus, you’ll also be able to use the sticks again later on down the line. Not at all bad, as the sticks are 100% biodegradable, but also completely renewable!

Funerals and Wakes

Can’t talk about weddings without also mentioning wakes and funerals. Although it can be said that floral arrangements using bamboo sticks can be used just about anytime and anywhere… well, we definitely would be remiss not to mention funerals and wakes. We do believe that a few floral arrangements with select flowers can really be a good addition to these situations.

You can choose to use these bamboo sticks in your floral arrangements that make use of white flowers. Lilies, for example, would look very peaceful in combination. Use your creativity to evoke a peaceful calm to help somewhat soothe people as they grieve.

Final Thoughts

Floral arrangements using bamboo sticks are a great way to brighten up a space. You can use it as decoration just in your own home, or even in your working spaces and your offices. But, you can also use them during special events – just about any of them. Including weddings, wakes, funerals, and the like. With just how affordable and renewable the fastest growing weed or plant in the world is, it’s no surprise that it’s finding more and more uses in the world. It’s used as utensils, as decoration, as furniture, and so on and so forth – so many uses for bamboo and bamboo sticks. Heck, they’re even used as chopsticks!

We do hope that our article was helpful to you so that you too can make your own floral arrangements using bamboo sticks. Remember to shop from ethical suppliers, and make sure to look for some organically grown bamboo to boot!



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