Planting With Bamboo: Can Other Plants Grow Around Bamboo?



Have you ever wondered if other plants grow around bamboo? While bamboo can often take up a significant amount of space in your garden, other plants can thrive alongside it. In fact, planting complementary species around bamboo can create a beautiful and balanced ecosystem. However, selecting the right plants compatible with bamboo’s unique growing conditions is essential.

In this article, we’ll talk about which plants will thrive with bamboo, providing a useful guide for those looking to incorporate a bit of diversity in their garden. Let’s dive in and explore the plants that can coexist with bamboo.

Understanding Bamboo

Bamboo is a type of grass that has earned the title “The giant grass.” Approximately 1,500 reported bamboo species grow worldwide, with China responsible for over 50% of the world’s production. Its unique characteristics set bamboo apart, making it a sustainable choice and the perfect alternative to wood. It is highly durable, with a tensile strength that can rival steel. Moreover, bamboo is less demanding when it comes to growing conditions, as it can grow almost anywhere.

The growth pattern of bamboo is much different from that of other plants we’ve probably seen. Instead of growing from a single stem, the bamboo plant grow from underground rhizomes. These rhizomes produce bamboo culms, or stems, which can grow up to 91 meters high in some species. The pace at which bamboo grows is phenomenal, with some species capable of growing up to 1 meter a day under the right conditions. This ability to grow quickly makes it a game-changer in combating deforestation, where bamboo can continue to grow while hardwood trees struggle to keep up.

Aside from the growth pattern, understanding a plant’s root system can reveal much about its potential. In the case of black bamboo, its root system is especially remarkable. Like most grasses, bamboo has a shallow root system, unlike trees, which grow deep roots to look for water and nutrients. But what makes the bamboo root system so remarkable is its ability to stabilize slopes and prevent erosion. Bamboo roots can be a natural barrier to prevent soil erosion during rainy seasons, making it a popular choice for farmers and people near lakes or river banks.

Furthermore, scientists have found that lucky bamboo roots possess medicinal properties that can cure common ailments such as asthma, coughs, and colds. Extracts from the roots have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, where they’re believed to improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

The Impact of Bamboo on Surrounding Plants

As the plant continues to gain more attention across different applications, keeping an eye on its behavior and its impact on its surrounding vegetation is crucial. Bamboo can affect the soil, neighboring plants, and competition for resources in the area.

☞The Effects of Bamboo on Surrounding Soil

Bamboo has been known to improve soil quality. The plant secretes enzymes that break down organic matter, making nutrients readily available to its surrounding plants. Bamboo litter (fallen leaves and stems) can also improve soil texture and structure, increasing soil porosity, aeration, and water retention capacity, stimulating soil microorganisms, including beneficial bacteria and fungi. In turn, this helps to improve soil fertility, so the lawn and other surrounding plants can thrive and grow.

☞Bamboo’s Competitive Nature for Resources

Due to its growth swiftness, bamboo significantly impacts the availability of resources such as light, water, and nutrients. The plant’s dense foliage can create a canopy that blocks out sunlight, limiting the growth of neighboring plants. Its vast root network can also outcompete the surrounding plants for water and nutrients. You must plant in the nearby vegetation in areas not directly overshadowed by bamboo and located on different parts of the soil to maintain the healthy growth of all the plants in the area.

☞Bamboo’s Effect on Surrounding Vegetation

Bamboo’s rapid growth and large size can sometimes make the surrounding vegetation struggle to compete. It is important to note that bamboo is not an invasive species. However, it can dominate the area it inhabits if not carefully managed, causing significant changes to the ecosystem. This plant is known to secrete allelopathic compounds, which can inhibit the germination and growth of other plants. This could reduce the number of plant recordings, and it could take some time for the affected plants to recuperate.

Bamboo is a miracle plant with immense environmental benefits when carefully managed. It can improve soil fertility and positively impact the growth of other plants when grown under the right conditions. However, the lack of control over the planting and growth of bamboo could result in limited growth of the surrounding plants, but it should not be considered an invasive species.

Can Other Plants Grow around Bamboo?

So, can other plants grow around bamboo? Yes, several plants can thrive and grow in the presence of bamboo. However, you need to consider some factors when choosing companion plants which include:

✔️Light Requirements

The first factor you need to consider when growing plants with bamboo is light requirements. Bamboo naturally grows large, creating a dense canopy that can affect other nearby plants’ growth and photosynthesis. You should choose companion plants that can survive under partial shade, as this will provide enough room for both the bamboo and the neighboring plants to grow healthily.

✔️Soil Type

The next factor to consider when selecting plants is the soil type. Bamboo has a large root system and can compete with its neighboring plants for water and nutrients, so picking companion plants that grow well in the same soil type as bamboo is essential. The pH of the soil should match both plants’ needs, as some plants require acidic or alkaline soil.

✔️Water Requirements

Water requirements are an essential factor to consider when planting companions with bamboo. Bamboo is a hardy species that can grow in both dry and wet conditions, so it is best to choose companion plants that require similar water conditions for the best chances of success.

✔️Plant Size

The plants’ size should also be considered when picking companion plants. Bamboo is a fast-growing species that can form a large canopy in a short amount of time, thus overcrowding other small plants. In order to ensure that all plants have enough room to grow, you should pick companion plants with similar growth rates or ones that can tolerate some shade.

✔️Bamboo Compatibility

Lastly, you should choose plants based on their compatibility with bamboo. Some plants are known to repel pests and diseases that affect bamboo, thus helping it thrive in the area. Examples of these companion plants include lavender and garlic, which both have strong fragrances that can help repel certain pests and diseases that could affect bamboo’s health.

Other plants grow around bamboo, but it is important to consider the factors listed above when choosing them. The right companion plants can provide additional benefits to the area and help both bamboo and the neighboring plants thrive in their environment.

Types of Plants That Can Grow Around Bamboo

So what can you grow under bamboo? Here are some examples of plants that can survive and thrive in the presence of this plant:

🌱Japanese Fan Maple

The Japanese Fan Maple, or Acer palmatum, is a versatile companion plant grown alongside bamboo. This plant is admired for its stunning lace-like foliage that changes color throughout the seasons, adding a burst of color to any garden. It is a hardy, shade-tolerant species, making it a perfect match for bamboo’s dense canopy. Moreover, the Japanese Fan Maple thrives in well-drained soil that is slightly acidic to neutral, similar to the conditions bamboo prefers. Interestingly, this plant can form a beautiful contrast with the lush green of bamboo, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your garden.


Camellias are known for their vibrant, glossy leaves and large, showy flowers, making them an excellent companion for bamboo. They are woodland plants that thrive under the partial shade of bamboo’s canopy. Camellias prefer well-drained, acidic soil, similar to bamboo, and share the same water requirements. The contrast between the dark green, glossy leaves of Camellias and the light, airy foliage of bamboo creates an interesting visual dynamic in the garden.


Hydrangeas are an excellent choice to plant with bamboo due to their similar light and soil requirements. These flowering shrubs grow beautifully under the partial shade of bamboo’s tall and dense canopy. Hydrangeas are renowned for their large, vibrant blooms that come in various colors, from blue to pink, depending on the soil’s pH level. They prefer well-drained, loamy soil, which is also favored by bamboo. Planting Hydrangeas alongside bamboo adds a splash of color to the otherwise green landscape and enhances the overall visual appeal of the space.


Rhododendron is a genus of shrubs and small trees that make wonderful companions for bamboo. Rhododendrons prefer acidic soil and partial shade, similar to bamboo’s preferred conditions. These plants are famed for their large clusters of bell-shaped flowers that come in a wide range of colors, adding a pop of color to your bamboo garden. Rhododendrons are quite hardy and can withstand the rapid growth and competitiveness of bamboo, making them a beautiful and robust addition to any bamboo garden.


Hostas are shade-loving perennials that make great companions for bamboo. They boast broad, heart-shaped leaves in various colors, from green to blue-grey, and they produce tall spikes of white or lavender flowers in the summer. The Hosta’s lush, textured foliage contrasts beautifully with bamboo’s tall, slender leaves. Both plants enjoy moist, well-drained soil and can thrive in the same light conditions, making Hostas a perfect low-maintenance companion for bamboo.


Azaleas, part of the Rhododendron family, are another excellent companion plant for bamboo. These plants adore the partial shade provided by bamboo’s large canopy and thrive in acidic soil conditions, just like bamboo. During spring, Azaleas produce abundant, brightly colored flowers, dramatically contrasting the bamboo’s green foliage. Moreover, the structure of Azalea plants can provide a balanced, pleasing aesthetic when paired with the tall, upright growth of bamboo.

🌱Cherry Laurel

Cherry Laurel is a versatile, evergreen shrub that makes a great companion for bamboo. They are hardy plants that can tolerate various conditions, including the shade cast by the dense bamboo canopy. Cherry Laurels thrive in well-drained soil, whether acidic or alkaline, making them adaptable to the same conditions as bamboo. This plant’s glossy, green leaves and clusters of white flowers in spring create a lovely contrast with the bamboo, while its ability to grow in a wide range of conditions makes it a practical addition to any bamboo garden.

🌱Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor, commonly known as periwinkle, is a fast-growing ground cover plant that pairs beautifully with bamboo. This plant’s low growing habit and spread make it an excellent choice for filling in under tall bamboo canes. It thrives in partial shade to full sun and prefers well-drained soil, similar to bamboo. The periwinkle’s glossy, dark green leaves and bright, blue-violet flowers offer a stunning contrast to bamboo’s green foliage, adding depth and visual interest to the landscape.

These are just a few plants that can grow around bamboo. With careful consideration of the abovementioned factors and some research, you can find companion plants that will thrive alongside your bamboo. Adding plant life to your space will create an oasis of beauty and tranquility in your garden.

Plants That Should Not Be Grown Near Bamboo

While some plants can thrive in bamboo, certain species should be avoided when planting near this plant. These include:


Tulips prefer full sun and well-drained soil, while bamboo prefers partial shade and moist conditions. If planted near each other, the competition for resources can be too much for either plant to survive. Furthermore, tulips are susceptible to fungal diseases, which can spread to nearby bamboo plants.


Roses require a lot of sunlight and prefer dry, well-drained soil. These conditions are unsuitable for bamboo, which needs partial shade and moist soil to thrive. As such, roses should be kept away from bamboo gardens.

❗Cottonwood Trees

Cottonwoods are large trees that need plenty of sunshine to survive. This means they will compete with the bamboo for sunlight and resources, potentially causing them to suffer.


Tomatoes need plenty of sunshine and water, contrasting the shade and moist conditions bamboo prefers. The competition between tomatoes and bamboo can be too much, leading to a decline in both plants’ health.


Garlic requires dry and well-drained soil to thrive, while bamboo prefers moist conditions. The competition for resources between these two plants can lead to a decline in their health and the destruction of other nearby plants. Therefore, it is best to keep garlic away from your bamboo garden.

These plants can’t thrive alongside bamboo, but many other plants can.

Practical Tips for Planting Other Plants Around Bamboo

You can create a beautiful garden around your bamboo with the right plant species and practical tips.

👉Plant at the Right Time

Planting around your bamboo at the right time of year is important. Late autumn, winter, and early spring are the best times to plant to avoid competing with your bamboo roots, which tend to grow aggressively. Planting in the fall or early spring will give plants enough time to establish themselves before the bamboo starts to shoot.

👉Use Raised Beds or Containers

To avoid competing for resources with bamboo, you might consider using raised beds or pots. It will provide enough separation between the plants, which will prevent them from competing with each other. When constructing raised beds, use enough soil and organic matter to nourish the plants. Additionally, you can also add a layer of decorative mulch around the plants to add extra nutrients to the soil.

👉Optimize Watering

Bamboo is a thirsty plant and can quickly suck up all the water in the soil. This means that other plants may suffer from a lack of water. To avoid this, ensure that you water often enough to keep the soil moist for other plants. You should aim to deeply water the soil around the bamboo and nearby plants to encourage roots to grow deeper and not compete with others.

👉Provide Adequate Space

Each plant requires a different space to grow. Bamboo spreads rapidly and is quite invasive, which can crowd out neighboring plant life. Therefore, you should give other plants adequate space to prevent competition. This way, they won’t fight for growth nutrients, and your garden will stay intact.

If you want to make the most of your garden, you should also know how to care for your bamboo. Doing so will give your yard a more attractive and functional look that will be a joy to see and experience all year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will other plants compete with bamboo for nutrients and water?

Yes, other plants can compete with bamboo for nutrients and water, especially if they’re planted too closely together. In order to avoid this, you should plant bamboo in separate areas or containers. If you want to plant other plants with bamboo, consider using a slow-release fertilizer to help them grow.

Can I create a natural barrier using other plants to contain bamboo’s spread?

Yes, you can create a natural barrier using other plants. Some great options include blackberries, raspberries, and Japanese knotweed. These plants are aggressive and can help prevent the bamboo from spreading. Just keep an eye on them and remove any shoots that start to grow outside your desired area.

What should I consider when designing a mixed planting scheme with bamboo?

When designing a mixed planting scheme with bamboo, consider the height and width of each plant, as well as the amount of sunlight and moisture they need. It’s also essential to choose plants with similar water and nutrient requirements. Some great plants to pair with bamboo include hostas, ferns, and hydrangeas.

Can I grow edible plants or herbs near bamboo, and will they be safe to consume?

Yes, you can grow edible plants or herbs near bamboo, but choosing the right ones is important. Look for plants that don’t mind a bit of shade and moisture; the bamboo’s roots won’t choke that out. Some great options include mint, lemon balm, and ginger.

How can I prevent other plants from being overshadowed by tall bamboo canes?

To prevent other plants from being overshadowed by tall bamboo canes, it’s best to plant them at least 3 feet away from the bamboo. You can also prune the bamboo canes to let more light in or plant shorter plants in front of the bamboo. Remember to choose plants that won’t be damaged by falling bamboo leaves or debris.

Final Words

After extensive research, I have come to a personal realization: not only can other plants grow around bamboo, but they can thrive in its presence. Contrary to the common misconception that bamboo is a plant that inhibits the growth of neighboring vegetation, it provides various benefits to surrounding plants. Bamboo produces a unique set of nutrients that enrich the soil with nitrogen, aiding other plants’ growth.

Additionally, its dense foliage provides shade and reduces moisture loss, creating a microclimate that allows for healthy plant growth. As a professional in the horticulture field, I can confidently say that bamboo is a valuable asset to any garden or landscape and should be considered when planning for plant diversity.



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