Bamboo Vs Traditional Toilet Paper: Which Is Better?



Toilet paper is one of the most essential household items due to its daily use. What about the impact your toilet paper has on the world, though? Using traditional toilet paper has a significant effect on the environment because it is generally made from trees, leading to increased tree chopping. The use of bamboo toilet paper, on the other hand, is healthier for the planet and is on the rise. As bamboo grows so rapidly, fewer resources are required to cultivate and process it than other kinds of crops. This article will explain the differences between regular toilet paper and bamboo toilet paper, as well as the benefits of making the transition.

Let’s start!

Benefits Of Using Bamboo Toilet Paper

🟩 Eco-friendly

Bamboo is a renewable and sustainable material with many environmental advantages. It grows faster than trees and it matures in months, unlike most trees.

Bamboo needs less water and fertilizer than tree crops. It is low-maintenance and sustainable since it can grow in a variety of soils and weather conditions.

Bamboo produces more oxygen than other plants, which is another advantage. It reduces carbon emissions and improves air quality by producing 35% more oxygen than an equal stand of trees.

Bamboo toilet paper reduces the number of trees chopped down each year, helping to protect crucial forests and animal habitats.

🟩 Soft and gentle

Bamboo toilet paper’s skin-friendliness is its biggest benefit. It’s ideal for delicate-skinned persons who are irritated by regular toilet paper.

Bamboo fibers are inherently smooth and contain no harsh or abrasive components that might scrape or irritate the skin. It has no harsh chemicals or synthetic materials that might cause skin irritation, rashes, or allergies.

Bamboo toilet paper also has a greater ply count than regular toilet paper. The paper is thicker and more absorbent, making it sumptuous and pleasant. The additional thickness means less paper is needed to clean the same surface, minimizing waste and helping the environment.

🟩 Antibacterial

For ages, numerous civilizations have employed bamboo for its versatility and eco-friendliness. Bamboo has “bamboo kun,” a natural antibacterial agent. This chemical may prevent dangerous germs from growing on toilet paper, improving cleanliness and reducing the risk of illness.

Bamboo has a natural defense against pests and fungi. When gathered and treated, bamboo fibers emit bamboo kun. E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus are among the microorganisms that bamboo kun may kill.

Toilet paper with bamboo kun may improve hygiene and minimize infection risk. Bamboo kun’s antibacterial characteristics may first prevent hazardous microorganisms from growing on toilet paper. Second, using antibacterial toilet paper may lower the chance of an illness while using the bathroom.

🟩 Biodegradable

Tree-based toilet paper takes years to disintegrate and releases toxic chemicals and greenhouse emissions. Traditional toilet paper with bleach releases chlorine chemicals into the environment. As a result, air and water pollution may harm humans and the ecosystem.

On the other hand, bamboo toilet paper breaks down rapidly and organically without leaving unwanted residue. Bamboo, a fast-growing plant, is also sustainable!

🟩 Affordable

For people who wish to convert to a more sustainable product without breaking the budget, bamboo toilet paper is generally priced similarly to standard toilet paper.

Bamboo toilet paper is priced comparable to ordinary toilet paper since bamboo is a fast-growing, renewable resource. Bamboo grows quicker than trees, which are used to manufacture conventional toilet paper, making it more sustainable and eco-friendly. It is also hypoallergenic and antimicrobial, making it ideal for delicate skin.

Some bamboo toilet paper products are significantly more costly than standard toilet paper. However, many offer bulk discounts and reasonable pricing. Several businesses provide subscription services that send toilet paper at a subsidized rate.

🟩 Hypoallergenic

Bamboo toilet paper is hypoallergenic, unlike tree-based toilet paper.

Hypoallergenic bamboo toilet paper has numerous explanations. Bamboo naturally resists dust mites, which cause sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

Second, bamboo toilet paper does not include skin-irritating synthetic scents or colors. Traditional toilet paper sometimes contains synthetic perfumes and colors to improve appearance and cover smells. These ingredients might irritate delicate skin and trigger allergies. These compounds are absent from bamboo toilet paper, making it safer for sensitive skin.

Drawbacks Of Using Bamboo Toilet Paper

🟥 Price

Bamboo toilet paper is modern and appealing because it uses bamboo fibers instead of trees. Whilst bamboo toilet paper may cost the same as normal toilet paper, the manufacturing process entails extra processes that might raise the product’s production cost, making it more costly for customers.

Bamboo toilet paper requires pulping bamboo fibers. This procedure needs more equipment and processing than wood pulp toilet paper.

Bamboo toilet paper costs more than ordinary toilet paper since it requires more stages. Consumers pay more for bamboo toilet paper. Manufacturers may not be able to attain economies of scale since bamboo toilet paper demand is still modest compared to standard toilet paper. As a result, this may raise bamboo toilet paper prices.

🟥 Availability

Despite its popularity, it may be harder to get it than regular toilet paper. Most of us buy toilet paper in-store, thus this factor might be inconvenient.

Bamboo toilet paper is still niche compared to ordinary toilet paper, which is mass-produced and has been a household staple for decades. Shipping charges might also increase bamboo toilet paper’s cost. Several online shops provide free delivery for big orders but charge for smaller items.

🟥 Texture

Bamboo fibers are coarser and less fluffy than regular toilet paper. Unbleached bamboo toilet paper preserves its texture and color, so those who prefer softer toilet paper may find this uncomfortable.

Bamboo fibers are also thinner and shorter than wood pulp fibers, making toilet paper seem lighter or distinctive. Others find bamboo toilet paper “scratchy” or “rough” and prefer regular toilet paper.

🟥 Absorbency

Traditional toilet paper has denser fibers than bamboo toilet paper. The bamboo toilet paper may be less absorbent, requiring more toilet paper than normal.

Overusing toilet paper may cause plumbing difficulties like blockages. Excess paper may clog pipes, which can be expensive to repair. Thus, you still need to use bamboo toilet paper sparingly.

🟥 Environmental impact

Bamboo’s quick growth and ability to be picked without hurting the roots make it an eco-friendly and sustainable resource. But bamboo toilet paper manufacture and delivery still have environmental implications.

Clear-cutting forests for bamboo plantations may destroy biodiversity and the soil. Reduced tree carbon dioxide absorption may affect local ecosystems and contribute to climate change.

The manufacture of bamboo toilet paper may also employ toxic chemicals that contaminate water and kill animals. If they penetrate the food chain, these substances may harm humans over time.

Bamboo toilet paper shipping may also potentially harm the environment. Long-distance goods shipping may produce large carbon emissions which is bad for the surroundings.

Benefits Of Using Traditional Toilet Paper Than Bamboo

Photo by Kev Bation on Unsplash

🟩 Cost

Ordinary toilet paper is cheaper than bamboo since its manufacture is easier and cheaper. Wood pulp or recycled paper is cheap and commonly accessible. Wood pulp is treated, bleached, crushed into thin sheets, and coiled into enormous rollers. The simple, resource-efficient approach lowers manufacturing costs.

Bamboo toilet paper is pricey and rare. Bamboo is fast-growing and environmentally friendly. Yet, it is more costly and more complicated to produce than wood pulp or recycled paper. Bamboo is collected, processed, and pulped into thin paper, then pressed into sheets and coiled into enormous rolls. More resources are needed, raising manufacturing costs.

Popularity affects bamboo toilet paper prices. Bamboo toilet paper is new and gaining in popularity. So, economies of scale are not as good as with normal toilet paper. When more individuals use bamboo toilet paper, manufacturing costs may drop, making it cheaper.

🟩 Availability

Most retailers sell regular toilet paper. Wood pulp is used to make it and most individuals have used this toilet paper for years.

Bamboo toilet paper is a newer, eco-friendlier choice that is gaining favor. Bamboo pulp is a sustainable resource that grows faster than trees. It is also eco-friendly since it biodegrades and composts easily.

But bamboo toilet paper is new, thus it may not be as commonly accessible as normal toilet paper. Some retailers may not sell it, and those that do may have a limited supply or just a few brands. Bamboo toilet paper may need to be purchased at a specialty shop or online.

🟩 Softness

Compared to bamboo toilet paper, traditional toilet paper is noticeably softer and more comfortable to use. This is one of the most notable distinctions between the two types of toilet paper. In most cases, ordinary toilet paper is characterized by having a texture that is mild and pliable, making it feel silky and smooth when rubbed against the skin. On the other side, bamboo toilet paper may have a texture that is more abrasive and scratchy at times, which may make using it seem less pleasant than traditional toilet paper.

🟩 Durability

Softwood trees like spruce, pine, and fir provide long, strong fibers for toilet paper. These fibers are polished to make soft, absorbent paper. Regular toilet paper is stronger and less likely to rip due to its lengthy strands.

Bamboo toilet paper, however, uses shorter and weaker bamboo strands. Bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable material, takes additional processing to make toilet paper. Shorter bamboo strands may not be firmly woven during manufacture, making them more prone to rip or break when utilized.

Drawbacks Of Using Traditional Toilet Paper Than Bamboo

🟥 Environmental impact

Spruce, pine, and fir are used to make toilet paper. These trees need a lot of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which harms the ecosystem. Energy is needed to collect and treat these trees, adding to greenhouse gas emissions. Regular toilet paper manufacture also deforests and erodes soil, which has long-term environmental impacts. Bamboo toilet paper, on the other hand, is derived from a fast-growing, pesticide-free plant, thus reducing the harmful environmental effects.

🟥 Chemicals and bleach

Toilet paper is made with hazardous chemicals including bleach. Chemicals like bleach may irritate the skin and trigger allergies. Bleach is used to whiten toilet paper, however, the residues may hurt the skin.

Toilet paper is bleached using chlorine or sodium hypochlorite. These chemicals combine with natural organic components in paper to produce dioxins, furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These byproducts endanger humans and the environment.

🟥 Biodegradability

Toilet paper is created from virgin pulp and recycled paper. Virgin pulp is extracted from trees and blended with recycled paper to make this toilet paper. Regrettably, this industrial procedure produces a product that biodegrades slowly and contributes to landfill debris.

Waste is buried in huge landfills. Landfills release greenhouse gases, which harm the ecosystem. Ordinary toilet paper adds to this issue since it breaks down slower than other paper products.

Which Is More Hygienic: Bamboo Or Traditional Toilet Paper?

Traditional and bamboo toilet paper may help create a clean bathroom experience. But bamboo toilet paper may be cleaner and greener.

Bamboo toilet paper is ideal since bamboo fibers have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Bamboo toilet paper may kill germs better than regular toilet paper, according to some research. It is ecologically friendly since it seldom contains bleaching agents or harmful chemicals.

But, how you use toilet paper determines its cleanliness. No matter what kind of toilet paper you choose, you must wash your hands and practice other personal hygiene to keep yourself clean.

Which Is More Comfortable To Use: Bamboo Or Traditional Toilet Paper?

Bamboo toilet paper is typically marketed as being softer and more comfortable than regular toilet paper due to its naturally long and smooth fibers. Additionally, bamboo is often touted as a more eco-friendly option compared to traditional toilet paper made from trees.

That being said, comfort is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some people may prefer the texture and feel of regular toilet paper, while others may find bamboo toilet paper to be more comfortable. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what works best for each individual.

Which Has More Carbon Footprint: Bamboo Or Traditional Toilet Paper?

Bamboo toilet paper has a lower carbon footprint compared to regular toilet paper.

Bamboo is a fast-growing plant that requires less water and no pesticides or fertilizers compared to trees used for regular toilet paper production. Additionally, bamboo produces more oxygen and absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees, which makes it a more sustainable alternative.

Regular toilet paper production requires a lot of energy and resources to cut down trees, transport them to mills, and process the pulp into paper. This process releases a significant amount of greenhouse gases, contributing to the carbon footprint of regular toilet paper.

Therefore, choosing bamboo toilet paper over regular toilet paper can help reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Is Bamboo Toilet Paper Worth It?

Switching from regular toilet paper to bamboo toilet paper can be a worthwhile choice for several reasons.

Firstly, bamboo toilet paper is a more sustainable and eco-friendly option compared to regular toilet paper made from trees. Bamboo is a highly renewable resource that grows quickly, requiring less land and water to produce. It also releases more oxygen and absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees. Secondly, bamboo toilet paper is softer and smoother than regular toilet paper, providing a more comfortable wiping experience. It is also hypoallergenic and naturally anti-bacterial, making it a good option for people with sensitive skin or allergies. Thirdly, bamboo toilet paper is stronger and more durable than regular toilet paper, which means you may need to use less of it to get the job done, reducing waste and saving money in the long run.

However, it is important to note that not all bamboo toilet paper brands are created equal, and some may not be as eco-friendly as advertised. Therefore, it is crucial to do research and choose a brand that uses sustainable and ethical practices. Lastly, some people may prefer the texture and feel of regular toilet paper over bamboo, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Final Words

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between traditional toilet paper and bamboo toilet paper, there are a few key factors to consider. While regular toilet paper may be more widely available and cheaper in the short term, bamboo toilet paper offers numerous environmental benefits that make it a compelling choice for the eco-conscious consumer.

Bamboo toilet paper is made from a renewable resource that grows quickly and requires less water and pesticides to cultivate than traditional trees. Additionally, bamboo toilet paper is biodegradable, and compostable, and breaks down faster than traditional toilet paper, reducing the strain on landfills.

So, if you’re looking to make a small change that can have a big impact on the planet, consider making the switch to bamboo toilet paper. Your bottom and the environment will thank you!

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